Second video from the album NO GROUND UNDER (Ninja Tune). Directed by Thibaut Duverneix (D Second video from the album NO GROUND UNDER (Ninja Tune). Directed by Thibaut Duverneix (Department : http://motion.departement.ca) (more) (less)
If you've ever read a computer magazine, you know the idea behind "101 Tips." One gala iss If you've ever read a computer magazine, you know the idea behind "101 Tips." One gala issue, lots of first-rate contributors, lots of quality information. And lots and lots of pages. But when's the last time one lone guy tried to capture 101 tips in video? In just 5 minutes of video? Set to music? This is the realm of dekePod, the once-every-other-weekly series from Deke McClelland. It's bold, it's brash, it's ridiculous. It's a podcast with serious issues. Enjoy. Get more dekePod at http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/dekepod (more) (less)
In September 2006, 24 of the hottest high school hoops players played in the "Elite 24" to In September 2006, 24 of the hottest high school hoops players played in the "Elite 24" tournament at the Rucker in Harlem, NY. The documentary, (directed and produced by Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys), follows 8 future NBA Draft prospects, Michael Beasley, Jerryd Bayless and Kevin Love among them, as they get ready to showcase their skills on the legendary court.
Brought to you by the fine folks at Oscilloscope Laboratories, Gunnin'... hits theaters on June 27th
www.gunninmovie.com (more) (less)
In this song the twangy keyboard instrument you can hear is a clavinova. Lovely, isn't it? In this song the twangy keyboard instrument you can hear is a clavinova. Lovely, isn't it? I had to pre-record me playing that, then playing the uke, then singing, so this is quite clearly a lip-sync, as you will find is the case with any music video out there. 
MYSPACK: http://www.myspace.com/tomandhisuke
And please BUY THE ALBUM THIS SONG IS ON, my debut album, Awkward Ballads for the Easily-Pleased, which can be found HERE: http://www.tommilsom.com/music/awkwardballads/awkwardballads .html and here: http://www.emusic.com/artist/Tom-Milsom-MP3-Download/1201971 5.html
And apparently I'm now on iTunes, although the internet's bloody died on me, so I can only just about post and tell you that apparently I'm on iTunes. Go on, go! Buy!
Please please don't go,
Please, please please don't go
Circumflex underscore circumflex
I love you so.
Please don't block me,
Please don't go offline.
I wanna be with you
all the time.
We'll pour our hearts out on the screen
One line at a time
And I'll try to figure how to
Make you mine,
So please, please, please don't go,
Please, please don't go,
Though it's close to midnight
And the conversation's getting slow,
No don't invite your friends
I don't want this moment here to end.
Here was where the free mp3 was, but it was RAPING MY BANDWIDTH WITH A RUSTY FORK so I've taken it down for now. It'll be purchaseable in a couple of hours though hopefully, and then people will limewire it or whatever.
What else? Oh yeah, my webcomic might be worth a look. It's about a leopard. It's amazing. www.awesomeopard.com (more) (less)
The is the Rube Goldberg machine from Waiting
This is a Rube Goldberg Dog Food Dispencer that me and my friend made for a science projec This is a Rube Goldberg Dog Food Dispencer that me and my friend made for a science project.
Also check out www.youtube.com/aznmobsta485 becasue he helped me with the project. (more) (less)
It may not be the fastest food, but teams from around the country will try their best to m It may not be the fastest food, but teams from around the country will try their best to make a hamburger sandwich in the most inefficient way possible during the 21st annual national Rube Goldberg Machine Contest on April 5 at Purdue University.
http://news.uns.purdue.edu/x/2008a/080326RubeNational.html (more) (less)
This machine undoubtedly took FOREVER to make, as well as many tweaks. Enjoy.
The Star Wars Rube Golberg project from physics class. Our teacher loved star wars.. (spor The Star Wars Rube Golberg project from physics class. Our teacher loved star wars.. (sporting his light saber in class now and then and answering any question you can fathom)but now we are out of high school and we do have lives so this will probably never happen again. but it was fun. enjoiiii!! (more) (less)
Zach created a Rube Goldberg machine for his 8th grade science class (2008)
A friend and I decided to spend a night at my workplace assembling a contraption using sup A friend and I decided to spend a night at my workplace assembling a contraption using supplies from the supply room and my basement. We started at 11p.m. on 6/26/05, and finished around 5:30a.m. This is take eight. Six of the eight worked. UPDATE: Thank you for all the views, everyone! A few quick answers:
-Haha, I didn't get fired, this was done during non-business hours.
-The heavy breathing is me starting to laugh and trying my hardest to stifle it...I was one second away from busting out the whole time. (more) (less)
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aÇıLıŞ TaRiHi: 26.06.2008
Copyright 2008 KeYiF-BuRaDa.Tr.Cx
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